Dungeon Meshi Falin

Dungeon Meshi's Falin: A Tale of Transformation and Redemption

A Tragedy that Sparked a Journey

WEB Falin Touden, the younger sister of Laios, meets a gruesome fate when she is consumed by a Red Dragon. This tragic event sets the stage for the Touden party's latest adventure.

The Chimera's Curse

WEB Falin Chimera, a Chimera-type monster in Delicious in Dungeon, is the result of Falin's transformation by a Red Dragon. This transformation curses her with monstrous abilities, but also fuels her party's quest to save her.

A Childhood Lost

WEB Falin and Laios hailed from an unnamed northern village where their father ruled as chief. Falin's childhood was marked by her natural talent and her close bond with her brother.

A Rescue Mission Unfolds

As a tallman spellcaster and Marcille Donato's classmate, Falin's rescue becomes the primary goal of her party. MyAnimeList, the world's most active online anime community, provides further details on this captivating character and the ongoing adventure in Delicious in Dungeon.



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